

Akbar was one of the greatest monarchs of India.He succeeded the throne after his father, whom I use that.In the Second Battle of Panipat in 1556, Hemu was almost on the point of victory.

But an arrow pierced his eye and he became unconscious. His army fled and the fortune favoured Akbar. The Mughal victory was deceived.

Akbar, who had built a vast empire in India. It was possible due to aggressive policy of expansion.He conquered northern India from Agra to Gujarat and then from Agra to Bengal.

  • 4 November 1556.Second Battle of Panipat defeat Hemu.Buy Akbar.And presence of Barham Khan.
  • 1557 Punjab and sikanderpur
  • 1558 to 1560 Gwalior, Ajmer and Jaunpur.
  • 1561 defeat Baj Bahadur.(Battle of Sarangpur.)
  • 1962.Capture Rajput, fatness of Mirtha.

                  Become king with all powers.And established the Mughal dynasty at a large scale.

Relations with Rajput:

The Rajput policy of Akbar was notable. He married the Rajput princesses, the daughter of Raja Bharmal.It was a turning point in the history of Mughals.

Rajput served the Mughals.For four generations, many of them rose of the position of military generals. Raja Bhagwandas and Rajman Singh were given senior positions in the administration by Akbar.

In the Battle of Haldighati, Rana Pratap Singh was severely defeated by the Mughal army led by Mansingh in 1576.

He abolished the Pilgrim tax and later the jizya.

jizya- Jazia tax was imposed on Hindu the Jazia text has been understood in Islam as a fee for protection provided by the Muslim Ruler to non-Muslims for the exceptions from.Military service for non-Muslims for the permission to practice a non-muslim faith with some communal autonomy, a Muslim state and a material proof of the non-muslim submissions.To the Muslim state and its law.The third Mughal Emperor, Akbar, abolished the jizya.

Augranzeb decided to reimpose jizya on non-muslim subjects in lieu of military service or decision that was widely criticized by the many Hindu rulers and Mughal court officials.

Religious policy:

Akbar Rose to fame in the pages of history due to his religious policy. Various factors are were responsible for his religious ideas.The most important among them were his early contacts with the Sufi sons, the teaching of his tutor abdullatif, his marriage with Rajput woman.

He disliked the interference of the Muslim ulemas in political matters.

In the beginning of his life, Akbar was a pious Muslim. Soon after marrying Jodha Bai of Ambar, he abolished the Pilgrim tax.And jizya.He allowed his Hindu wives to worship their own gods.

Akbar introduced a new.Religion name as DIN I ILLAHI The new religious contained the best elements of all religions. It was based on universal tolerance and freedom of worship.It believed in the unity of God. It never acquired the status of mass movement.He passed some regulation which irritated the Muslims, such as prohibition of cow slaughter, removal of beards.Fasting during Ramzan, etc.
Akbar won the sympathy and support of the Hindus and the other religious group like 6. Jahangir did not disturb Akbar's policy of universal toleration. But Shajar reversed his policy by his orders prohibiting the Erection of new Hindu temples in the empire.


Akbar was the centre of all powers.Civil, judicial, military and religious. He was the supreme commander of the army. He stabilized a centralized administration.Usually the rule according to Shariat (Islamic law.)

The patients were prominently attended to on the spot or later in the Open Hall of public audience Dewane arm special consultation with the ministers and nobles, the Hall of Special audience Diwane Khas.

Akbar had a Council of Ministers to assist him in the discharge of his administration responsibilities and state of affairs.

  • The WAZIR- he was the prime minister and advised the king in all matters
  • DEWAN or finance minister -He looked after the revenues of the state.
  • Mir bakshi-.Head of the military department.
  • Chief crazy head of the Judicial department.

Provincial administration:

  • Akbar divided his empire into 15 suburbs provinces. These were Agra, Ahmedabad, Ahmed Nagar, Ajmer, Allahabad, Awad, Bengal, Bharat, Bihar, Delhi, Kabul, Kandahar, Lahore, Malva and.Multan.
  • Each province was under the charge of Subedar governor. He was assisted by a Diwan who looked after the revenue records.
  • Bakshi looked after the news of the army.
  • Land revenue administration.
  • Revenue Minister of Akbar played an important role in devising and introducing a very efficient and effective.Land revenue and record system.
  • There were three system of land revenue.

Mansabdari system:

  •  Mansabdari System was a system of army and civil services introduced by Akbar in place of the Jagirdari system.
  • Akbar introduced several changes in the system. This system was the pillar of the Mughal administration.By abolishing the jagadari system, the mansab Dari system was introduced. It proved quite effective.
  • Meaning of Mansab Dari system:
  • The Mansab is an Arabic word meaning rank or position or status of a person.Does Mansab Adari was a system in which the rank of a government official was determined Every civil and military officer was given a mansion.
  • It was also meant for fixing the salaries and allowances of officers.
  • Abul Fazal has mentioned 66 grades of Mansab Dars.During the early region of Akbar, the lowest grade 10 and highest was 5000.
  • The Mansabdar a Mughal noble implied the.Salary of the officer.Status of the officer and number of soldiers, horses and elephants etc.Officer.
  • Personal pay and the size of the contingent was represented by single rank of jat.Jat and sawar ranks began to decide the position and status of the mansabdar.
  • Jat decided the Mansabdar personal play and his rank in the official Hierarchy.and sawar Fixed the horses and horsemen.To be maintained by the months Adar and the amount be he received to maintain his contingent.
  • Mansabdar was paid rupees two per horse.

Features of Mandari system:

  • The King himself appointed the Mansabdars
  • There were 33 categories of the Mansabdars
  • A Mansabdar that was paid his salary in cash
  • Man Safdari system was not hereditary

Merits of Mansabdari system:

  • Removal of the chief defects of the Jagirdari system.
  • Increased military efficiency.
  • extra revenue of the state
  • Merits as the basis of selection.

Demerits Of Mansab Dari system:

  • System proved very expensive.
  • This made the troops more loyal.To the month Sabbas than to the king.
  • Dishonest Mansabdars and official use to align together during
  • Mansabdari system prevailed in the months of diary system. 


  • The Mansab Dars were paid either in cash or by temporary grant of Jaguars. The Mansab Adars received enormous salaries, which appear all the more excessive when it is realized that they did not normally maintain.All the troops expected of them.
  • It was probably an awareness of this that led Shahjahan to introduce the practice of paying salaries to the month of the hours for only four months of the year instead of 12.

Lifestyle of Mansabdars:

  • Even with the above reduction introduced by shaja, the Mansab Dars lived extravagantly. The tendency to luxurious expenditure was undoubtedly increased by the months of adars knowledge that on his death.His whole property would be taken over by the state pending satisfaction of any outstanding claims by the Treasury.
  • But while there, may Have been.Little incentive to save within the system, the high scale of salaries enabled the state to attract the.Nobles and most.Ambitious individual from almost the whole of southern and western Asia.


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